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I'm Coming Alive In His Loving Arms

I'm Coming Alive in His Loving Arms

Written by John C David



Life is like a heavy sword dancing

On a miserly piece of thread

Who tows the end of the line

Who holds the key to the future

I know who holds my future


Soft breeze slowly moves the fragrance

Of His presence through my mind

Like a stream flowing in the desert

You awaken the fountain-oh the fountain of my youth


I hear a high pitched whistle

Tearing across the stormy night



Cobwebs dance around my head

Candle flame blows away the achin’ night

Shadows lurking far beneath the landscape

Tentacles oh how they grip me and rip my ties

You know how they rip my ties

Please sympathize, don’t hypnotize, never criticize

As I seek His loving arms



Through the thick smoke a pair of eyes eyes eyes

With tentacles, love & mercy

Compassion gripping my heart

A warm stream slowly fills my soul


Tearing me apart with so much love love love

I aint strong enough to handle it at all

My mind is reeling under His presence



I’m coming alive yeah I’m coming alive

I’m coming alive in His loving arms


Verse 2

Where art thou oh shame o cruelty

I’ve come to terms with my destiny

Tears of misery fill my cup

Now all I see is clear blue skies

All I see is clear blue skies


All is bright & all is cheerful

The lonely wandering soul

Badly bruised torn & battered

Now take form-yes they take form in His loving arms 



I hear a high pitched whistle

Tearing across the stormy night



# I’ve been molded

I see clear blue skies

I take shelter

In His loving arms #



I’m coming alive I’m coming alive I’m coming alive

Oh yes in His loving arms


©John C. David

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