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Music & Global Health Outreach

A pandemic which has crippled our world’s health & economic wellbeing!
Racial injustice, hatred, bigotry & people against people?
Devastating wars destroying lives & families
Children, women, and the most vulnerable attacked & taken advantage of 
Male and Female created equal under God
Endowed  with unique God given attributes & inalienable rights. 
Brown Black or White Yellow Green or Red 
We are in it together, let’s save our Beautiful Planet. 
Let’s raise our voices in one accord
And unite against all bias, let’s begin the healing process
United we stand Divided we fall,
let’s not bury the Promise of Better tomorrow’s…



Board & Healthcare Executive Leadership I Value Chain Re Engineering I 



1. Impact Lives, via Songs & Music Videos I write & produce 

2. Global Health Outreach

JCD by Dam Boltz.jpg
“Twenty Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”- Mark Twain
Without love we are just a loud sounding gong creating chaos!

"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; But the greatest of these is LOVE." - 1 Cor 13:13.


"Even the lilies of the field are clothed in such grand splendour. He cares about the sparrow, and the one lost sheep among so many. How much more He cares about us. He is not only our Shephard, He is our Resource and our Fortress, in whom we can Trust." Psalm 23 & Mathew 10



Without love we are just a loud sounding gong creating chaos!


Even the lilies of the field are clothed in such grand splendour. He cares about the sparrow, and the one lost sheep among so many. How much more He cares about us. He is not only our Shephard, He is our Resource and our Fortress, in whom we can Trust. Psalm 23 & Mathew 10


How can we not recognize the touch of the Masters hand and his infallible wisdom in everything around us?

From the break of dawn through our day’s work, and on to rest at night, god’s providence & protection journey with us.

Let our mouths, our hearts & our souls praise him unceasingly. Let our mornings begin with praise and the day end with praise. 

There is no love greater than his. We love, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

I believe strongly that God is using His singing, songwriting, playing the guitar, blues harmonica & piano talents he has blessed me with, to unite the world in love and by spreading love & harmony among His people. 

I am very passionate about Global Medical Missions with my wife, a Physician, who also loves to serve people, in remote places. People in so many areas of the world lack access to basic medical, dental and vision care. Its our duty as good stewards of God’s resources to serve such vulnerable population as our brothers & sisters. 


This is my life’s mission, vision, and goal as I embark on this phase of my life to inspire, encourage, heal, bridge the various self-imposed chasm, and enable access to medical, dental, vision care. We have served in Nicaragua, Honduras and Jordan as well as blessed the people of China with our music.


Musical Background



My mother got me my fist guitar when I was in 10th Grade/High School!

That was the turning point in my music passion, and it transformed how I viewed the creative world of music, song and dance: In the lens of Pop, Classic Rock, and Some hard Rock.

We formed a college pop/rock band with twins Ramesh & Suresh (bass & rhythm and vocals), Gordon (awesome pop singer, whom girls would swoon for), Shantikumar & Dilip (both on drums), and me on lead guitar and some vocals as well. The highlights of our traveling performances were at the IIT Madras, Mardi Gras & CMC Vellore). 

During breaks from college, I visited my hometown of Madurai, India & jammed with a another rock band, with our lead singer Shekar, Paul on rhythm and Rollo on bass (he’s since passed, may his soul RIP), Nirmal on drums and Noel, manager. We won the All India Music Competition held at Trivandrum, India. 

Well what do you know, John McLaughlin of Mahavishnu Orchestra was a visitor at one of our local gigs in Madurai where we belted out some rock songs with me loving the use of the wah wah pedal for fuzz & water bubbling effects for a Jesus Christ Super Star song. Mr. McLaughlin is a guitar maestro and he mesmerized us with his guitar, during a break in our show.

I have played in concerts in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia & of course continue to perform in USA, at concerts, weddings, & churches. Highlight was WHO concert in Saudi Arabia for aid to Somalia.


Among several of His gifts, in the order how they impacted me and nurtured me:  my God fearing and loving parents and grandparents, my amazing wife and daughter, who teach me how to be a better husband and father daily. The learning environments in India & USA as I pursued my educational goals & ambitions, and the professional environments in India, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Far East interacting with amazing faculty and peers have ingrained in me the acknowledgment of the treasures I have collected on my journey. I’m also taking time to enjoy grandparenting, by being the best granddad I could possibly be. 

One of the miracles is God’s healing of my Lymphoma, which sprung up unannounced in 2004 and could have taken my life. Today, 16 years cancer free. It is ironical that I got cancer when my wife impacts cancer patients’ lives every day. 

Every day we must be challenged and channel Gods many gifts & talents to impact lives. I believe strongly that God spared my life to use His singing, songwriting, playing the guitar, blues harmonica, piano talents to unite the world in love and by spreading love & harmony among people. 

This is my life’s mission, vision, and goal as I embark on this phase of my life to inspire, encourage, heal, bridge the various self-imposed chasm, which separate us all from enjoying the best of the world, which God has provided.

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